At Health Center of Hillsborough, we’re pleased to offer massage therapy on-site. It serves as a fantastic complement to chiropractic care and our other forms of natural healing. Whether you’ve been a massage patient for years or have never had one before, we’ll help you to feel comfortable and fully informed before getting started.
Our Massage Techniques
When you have your massage with us, we may utilize different techniques depending on what is most appropriate for you. We’ll also tailor what we’re doing to your preferences, ensuring that you’re comfortable. The most common techniques we use include
- Swedish massage. This type of massage uses long strokes to smooth your muscles into relaxation. Often, this form of massage is coupled with energy work.
- Therapeutic massage. We’ll work out your aches and pains and may add stretches to optimize your results. Hot stones may be utilized along with massage oil or cream and advanced Tachyonized Technologies bars.
- Hot stone basalt massage. Smooth, river-washed stones are heated, then applied to your body to melt your discomfort away. It’s relaxing and deeply therapeutic while increasing your blood circulation and promoting detoxification.
- Injury relief. Our advanced Tachyon Technologies provide an energy form to your body to alleviate your injury. We also use crystal healing, energy work, sound healing and psycho-kinetic processes.
Meet Our Massage Therapist
Our delightful massage enhances your chiropractic adjustments for health and well-being. It is a half-hour massage by our massage therapist, in my view is worth an hour of most anyone else doing a massage! — Dr. Paul Aaron DC”